Mountain Stars Quilters Guild was founded in 1983. Our guild has members from all over beautiful Southern Oregon and Northern California. We represent all age groups and all levels of experience. Everyone is welcome.
The Purpose of our organization is to foster the art of quilting and to encourage a high standard of design and technique in all its various forms. Our guild encourages the preservation and conservation of fine quilts, antique quilts and contemporary quilts for posterity.
Mountain Stars Quilters Guild:
Business Meetings are held on the second Saturday in January, March, May, September, and November. In July, the meeting is held on the third Saturday to accommodate our members attending the Sisters Outdoor Quilt Show. Occasionally, our meetings are changed to meet the time constraints of our speakers and those changes are announced at the meetings, in the newsletters, and on this website.
- Doors open at 9:00 a.m. Sometimes we offer free “Early Bird Classes” with fun “make & take” crafts and those begin at 9:30 a.m. We have a “Block Party” at every meeting, featuring a pieced block and an appliqué block. Everyone who makes a block enters their name in a basket to win all the blocks. There is also an “Education” table where you can sign up to take some of our amazing quilting classes featuring local and nationally known instructors. Lunch is usually served at 11AM followed by the business meeting which includes committee reports plus door prizes and other drawings. This is followed by a speaker then “Show & Tell” of our members’ quilts. Guests are always welcome!
- We meet at the Live Oak Grange, located at 120 Gardiner Street, Rogue River, Oregon.
- In addition to high-quality local instructors, we bring in nationally known speakers to lecture and conduct workshops for the benefit of our members and the general public.
- We share information concerning our member groups, upcoming quilt shows and other activities by publishing a bi-monthly newsletter and maintaining an informative website.
Open Sew Days are held on the second Saturday in February, April, June, August, October and December from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m at the Live Oak Grange Hall, located at 120 Gardiner Street, Rogue River, Oregon.
Our Machine Embroidery Group (MEG) meets monthly at a retreat center in Shady Cove right on the Rogue River from 9:00 am to 4:00 p.m. There is no cost to attend but you must be a member of MSQG. All members are welcome – even if you don’t bring an embroidery machine. We are the only guild in the area that has a group dedicated to learning and enjoying machine embroidery!
Our popular Retreats are normally presented three times each year – two at Diamond Lake Resort (usually in May and September) and a third at the Talowa Community Center in Smith River, California (usually in March).
We have an elected Board and Standing Committees who conduct the business of the guild. Additionally we have many members who perform vital functions for the guild including Community Service Liaison, Country Store Coordinator, Facebook Moderator, Historian, Hospitality Coordinator, Librarian, Opportunity Quilt Coordinator, Perks, and Publicity. It is through the work of these many individuals that our guild is more meaningful to all our members.