We had a great turnout for the Saturday Open Sew this month (more than 30 members and guests). We got to see some gorgeous projects that were at or near completion. Lisa Sherrill provided a scrumptious soup and the other attendees brought salads, breads, desserts and snacks galore! If you haven’t been to one of these fun events yet, maybe these photos will tempt you to join us for the next Open Sew on Saturday, April 13th.
Enjoy these photos of the attendees and their projects…
Sandi Williamson Shari Turner Kay Germann Kay Germann’s quilt for Project Linus New member Sherri Nichols (welcome!) Janet Balson Bernay Hiett (with the 2024 Opportunity Quilt on display behind her) Patty Quinowski Sam Beene Cornell Hardford Vicki Allen Glenda Farmer Ellen Eastman Susann Tresner Rhonda Hockstetler Terri Weaver Sally Stults Sally Stults’ darling qulit Closeup of Sally Stults’ darling qulit Anna Loeffler Allison Redding Pamela Norton (one of the featured quilters at the 2024 MSQG Quilt Show) Jan Blackford Kathy Miners Danielle Dowens Lisa Sherrill (Open Sew Coordinator and master chef) Judy Monks Shirley Barklow Theresa Patton Anna DeHoog Deanna Bishop Tina Cobb Tina Cobb’s awe inspiring quilt Peggy Payne