We had a huge turnout for this great meeting that featured a wonderful Trunk Show by Dana Keeler, owner of Pacific Rim Quilt Co., who taught a 2 Fabric Appliqué class the previous day. And as usual, the Hospitality crew led by Kathy Miners served a great lunch of meatball subs. That was followed by the various Committee reports then ended with another fabulous Show & Tell.
If you weren’t able to attend the meeting, below are photos from the Show & Tell. Enjoy!
Terri Prinslow Bonnie Scriba Paula Brookins Molly Porter (quilt 1) Molly Porter (quilt 2) Molly Porter (quilt 3) Sue Quackenbush Susan Birdsong (quilt 1) Susan Birdsong (quilt 2) Peggy Smith (quilt front) Peggy Smith (quilt back) Donna Palmer (placemat front) Donna Palmer (placemat back) Sara Martin (quilt 1) Sara Martin (quilt 2) Sara Martin (quilt 3) Peggy Payne