Spring 2025 Diamond Lake Retreat
May 2 - May 4
DIAMOND LAKE RETREAT: Majestic Lake and Mountains…
Cost: $40.00 for members (plus a $2 convenience fee if you pay online). $80 for non-members (includes membership dues and administrative fees). Registration and payment information is at the bottom of this page. As a reminder, your registration fee covers the cost of the sewing room rental as well as actual costs for providing the retreat.
Join MSQG at the lake. There may still be snow on the side of the lake so dress in layers… a ton of fun will be had at this scenic retreat spot.
Location: Diamond Lake, 350 Resort Drive, Diamond Lake, OR 97731
Dates: May 2-4, 2025 Friday through Sunday
Friday: Doors open to sewing at 9 AM…please note that the crew might be still setting up so help if you can. No sewing to be done until all is set and ready!
Sunday: Start shutting down at 1 PM and out by 3 PM. If you want to stay, please clean up the space around you and ensure that you have all your stuff.
Set up will start on Thursday afternoon. Please join the team if you are around at about 3 pm to set up and put out all our sewing stuff. You may bring your equipment in the sewing area (Theilsen Room) but no sewing until Friday morning!
Food and Fellowship: So many yummy things!
–Friday night enjoy a dinner with the group (Dutch treat) at the restaurant downstairs.
–Saturday lunch is our traditional Pot Luck… Bring something to share and I know everything is going to be great.
–Bring a fun snack to put out on the treat table too.
*** Accommodation Details: Each attendee is responsible for arranging their own housing at the lake, and many participants opt to share a rental (cabin, motel room, kitchenette studio) with other retreat attendees at the Resort. The Diamond Lake Resort offers many different types of accommodations and different price points. There is an RV park and a campground too if you wish to “rough it”. Some of the attendees bring family members with them too. They are welcome to join us during our potluck on Saturday and during the Dutch Treat Dinner on Friday night. There is normally fishing and boating available in early May. Important Tip: Be sure to call the Diamond Lake Resort directly at 541-793-3333 to make your reservation and mention the quilter’s discount to take advantage of special pricing! (This discount isn’t available for online bookings or through third-party services.) If this is your first time visiting Diamond Lake in May, don’t hesitate to chat with Lisa for helpful advice on accommodations, bug spray, and anything else you might need to make your stay comfortable.
Please email Lisa Sherrill at sherrill@sou.edu with any questions you may have that haven’t been addressed here.
You can register and/or pay online for this event by clicking here.
— If you registered by filling out the registration form emailed by Lisa Sherrill, you can still use the above link to pay online should you wish to do so. Just go to the bottom of that page where the payment links are.
— If you wish to register online but pay by check, use the link to complete your registration then write a check (for the appropriate amount) made payable to MSQG and mail it to Lisa Sherrill at 7471 Gold Ray Road, Central Point, OR 97502.